What do I get for $10 per month?
Personalised Newsletter
Receive a weekly update of events that interest you. We tailor make the newsletter for your dating life, based on your personalities.
Real Date Planners
Planning an anniversary? Or maybe just date night? Members can speak directly to our Date Planners and have an experience tailor made. We are your personal date concierge.
VibeDate Guarantee
For $10 per month, we will be your dating guardian angel. We promise to go above and beyond to plan dates that suit you. Not happy? You can cancel at any time.
Does VibeDate work everywhere?
At present, VibeDate is focusing on Melbourne, Victoria.
We're currently growing VibeDate into Sydney and Brisbane. As we like to try everything in a place before we recommend it, that may take a little bit more time.
For recommendations in Sydney and Brisbane, please stick with your free account, and we'll let you know when we're ready to launch!
So what are you waiting for?
Become a VibeDate Member today!